
Cleaning Your School to Keep Your Students and Staff Safe From Coronavirus

With some students back in school and more returning in September, now is the time to make sure your school is clean, safe and ready.

It should be standard practice that your cleaning company will be cleaning daily. If you require additional cleans during the day, holidays or weekend we recommend you contact them to arrange this as soon as possible. But, there are other meausres to take. Over and above your usual cleaning you should be proactively engaging in the following:


Wash Your Hands

We’ve heard this a lot but it really is one of the most important ways to stop the spread or Covid-19. Adults and children should be washing their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (or using sanitiser) on arrival at school, before and after eating, after sneezing or coughing and at points throughout the day when they are regularly contacting touch points, such as doors and toys. 

Use Signage, Songs, Games and Repetition 

New signage should placed around the school to remind children to wash their hands and encouraging them not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose. This should include guidance for sneezing into your elbow or a tissue and disposing of it correctly… catch it, bin it, kill it! Signage alone may not be enough to get the information to go in so why not try using songs, games and repetition as part of their school day?

Handwashing Facilities Are Key

Where there are no hand washing faculties available make sure there is hand sanitiser available in each room. Ensure help is available for children and young people who have trouble washing their hands independently.

Clean Touch Points as Often as Possible

You may want to consider an additional lunchtime clean from your cleaning company. If possible, clean surfaces that children and young people are touching more regularly than normal. This include toys, books, desks, chairs, doors and door handles, sinks, toilets, light switches and bannisters

Empty Bins More Often

It sounds simple but it can make a big difference if tissues aren’t left in the building throughout the day and overnight. 


This is harder on colder days but try to have windows and doors open, or use ventilation units if this is not possible. However, only prop doors open if they are not fire doors and where it is safe to do so (bear in mind fire safety and safeguarding).

Stock up on supplies

Get in touch with the public sector buying organisation partners for supplies of soap, anti-bacterial gel and cleaning products if needed.


If your cleaners are unable to keep up with this increased demand, Spotless are more than happy to help, and have years of experience in cleaning schools and other commerical, high traffic environments. For more information or for a free quote just drop us a line.